About Mary's Vision for Salem Public Schools |
- Work to return a tone of civility to interactions, both as a board and as a community.
- Guard against any future transitioning of Salem Public Schools to privately-run charter schools.
- Provide students with peaceful school communities where they can grow and learn about themselves as individuals, about their roles and responsibilities in both local and global communities, and where they can also learn the specific skills needed to be contributing members of both.
- Coach students in how to learn, how to ask the essential questions, how to be active learners who discriminate among materials both on-line and print, and how to then make informed decisions about both the information and about their own understanding of it.
- Stop the loss of quality staff to other communities. Our high expectations require that we provide high levels of support.
- Adhere to policies already in place, such as the school assignment policy, and work to improve or replace policies determined to be less than optimal.
- Continue to re-instate the professional and paraprofessional staffing needed for effective student and staff use of our school libraries.
- Increase all aspects of communication opportunities between parents and schools.
- Support district staff as they determine the most effective models to be used for English as a Second Language instruction and multi-cultural support. Provide training in these models for all staff. Specifically maintain progress toward reimplementation of Dual Language and World Language programs.
- Determine the most effective yet inclusive models for special education instruction and then stay with those models. Provide training in these models for all staff.
- Provide training to all staff in effective instruction through multiple intelligences and heterogeneous grouping.
- Continue allocation of resources throughout the system based on analysis of specific school and programmatic needs, rather than on a per student allowance across the board. Fair is not necessarily equal.
- Continue to reallocate to the building maintenance department some of the resources lost in recent years.
- Return to the system some of the opportunities and advantages provided schools (and therefore parents) through a school-based management approach.